Monday, February 8, 2010

Blizzard of 2010 x2

February 8, 2010

After Friday, February 5, 2010, the DC metropolitan area witnessed what about 3 ft of snow does to our driveways, cars, homes, and minds. It was nice to see neighbors and friends help each other during this time and keep each other company. Just when we all thought that mother nature was done, she stirs up another storm to endure. Starting Tuesday, our area is expected to get another 10 to 20 inches of snow until Wednesday.

The roads in my neighborhood are bearable, but, surprisingly, the main highway is unbelievably horrible. It was terrifying to drive on it with a small, 2WD, compact car. With another storm on its way, I can only imagine the cabin fever I'll be experiencing. LOL! Good thing Bill Gates and his colleagues discovered the internet!

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