Sunday, May 9, 2010

Welcome May

May 9th 2010

The movements have been steady. The weather has been taking Virginians on a roller coaster ride. We'll see a few days of 80 degrees then followed with a few days of 50 to 60 degrees. On May 8th, the winds were brutal. My cousins and I went for a hike, which quickly turned into a walk in the park due to the high winds. Branches and twigs were coming down from the forest canopy. It has calmed down significantly compared to yesterday, but all this wind is causing a warm and sunny day to become very cold and unbearable.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Two Month Recap (April 18, 2010)

March 2010:

Natural disasters:

On March 2010, Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland had 3000 earthquakes. In a 24 hr period a maximum magnitude of 3.1 was measure. Eyjafjallajokull volcano has been inactive since the 1600's.

April 2010:

Natural disasters:

On April 1st, Eyjafjallajokull volcano opened up and created a fissure.
*April 14, 2010- Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted accompanied by earthquakes. Ash emission reached 33,000 ft on April 16 and began to taper to 28,000 ft by April 17. Iceland is still experiencing ash fall. (April 18)

On April 4th, Mexico experienced a magnitude 7.1 earthquake. It occurred on the Mexico-California border and was felt as far as L.A.

On April 6th, Redoubt volcano in Alaska showed some activity with a series of earthquakes. (CODE: YELLOW)

On April 8th, Egon volcano in Indonesia has shown some activity. Gas emissions from the crater has been reported and locals have been warned to keep their distance.

On April 8th, Mt. Etna in Italy has erupted with ash. The eruption increased the size of the crater from 10m to 50m.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blizzard of 2010 x2

February 8, 2010

After Friday, February 5, 2010, the DC metropolitan area witnessed what about 3 ft of snow does to our driveways, cars, homes, and minds. It was nice to see neighbors and friends help each other during this time and keep each other company. Just when we all thought that mother nature was done, she stirs up another storm to endure. Starting Tuesday, our area is expected to get another 10 to 20 inches of snow until Wednesday.

The roads in my neighborhood are bearable, but, surprisingly, the main highway is unbelievably horrible. It was terrifying to drive on it with a small, 2WD, compact car. With another storm on its way, I can only imagine the cabin fever I'll be experiencing. LOL! Good thing Bill Gates and his colleagues discovered the internet!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another snowy adventure

February 2, 2010

Today, we are expected to get 3 to 6 inches of snow. It started snowing at about 5pm here and it will continue until 1am, February 3, 2010 (as stated on This weekend we are also expected to get more snow starting Friday (February 5) until Saturday (February 6). It has yet to be announced how much precipitation Northern Virginia will get this weekend, but I hope we're ready for another one.

So far, February 2010 has felt a cold but humid. It's kind of nice that the snow is light and powdery.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First post

It seems like winter is closely coming to an end. It's only the 18th day of 2010 and already we've seen some catastrophic and amazing feats.

Natural disasters:
In the Philippines, Volcano Mayon erupted. It couldn't wait for the new year to begin and on December 15, 2009 filipino authorities evacuated 50,000 residents on the foot of Volcano Mayon.

In Haiti, a 7.0 earthquake devastated the country on January 12, 2010. The USGS also raised a tsunami watch. The Haitian people also faced 5.9 levels of aftershocks.

The weather
In the Atlantic region of the United States, we experienced a blizzard late December. We got about 2 feet of snow and it wasn't until the week of January 10 did we get temperatures warmer than 36 degrees Fahrenheit.
Today, I woke up to the peaceful sound of rain. It's 44 degrees Fahrenheit.

We'll see what this week has for us.