Sunday, April 18, 2010

Two Month Recap (April 18, 2010)

March 2010:

Natural disasters:

On March 2010, Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland had 3000 earthquakes. In a 24 hr period a maximum magnitude of 3.1 was measure. Eyjafjallajokull volcano has been inactive since the 1600's.

April 2010:

Natural disasters:

On April 1st, Eyjafjallajokull volcano opened up and created a fissure.
*April 14, 2010- Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted accompanied by earthquakes. Ash emission reached 33,000 ft on April 16 and began to taper to 28,000 ft by April 17. Iceland is still experiencing ash fall. (April 18)

On April 4th, Mexico experienced a magnitude 7.1 earthquake. It occurred on the Mexico-California border and was felt as far as L.A.

On April 6th, Redoubt volcano in Alaska showed some activity with a series of earthquakes. (CODE: YELLOW)

On April 8th, Egon volcano in Indonesia has shown some activity. Gas emissions from the crater has been reported and locals have been warned to keep their distance.

On April 8th, Mt. Etna in Italy has erupted with ash. The eruption increased the size of the crater from 10m to 50m.